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  • Writer's pictureVivienne Edgar

Be a Solo Art Exhibition Superstar

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Hosting a solo art exhibition can be really scary and the to-do list can seem never ending. Mixed Media Sketchbook is here to the rescue so you can show off your art work in the best and most professional way possible. You and your art work will truly be superstars!

Things you need to organise and plan for:

  • Art Collection

  • Venue

  • Opening Night

  • Publicity

  • Continuation of Exhibition

  • Budget and Sales

1. Your art collection

For an exhibition to be successful (getting your work noticed, gaining experience and making sales) you need an impressive collection of art that has an impact on viewers.

Different venues will be after different things. A traditional gallery (ie where the customers appreciate 'realistic' landscapes) will not be after the latest abstract paintings and similarly, a hipster venue in an ‘alternative’ part of town will not be after safe pretty landscapes.

Create your art, in a style that is true to you, and then make contact with venues that will appreciate YOUR style.

A solo exhibition needs to tell a story, come together as a collective group and create an experience for the viewer. The exhibition can come together by using a similar art technique, focusing on a similar subject or telling the same message.

2. Venue planning

Venues usually come under 2 categories:

  • A venue where you pay a standard fee to rent the entire space that lets you exhibit any type of art. More freedom but a lot more responsibility.

  • A gallery space that exhibits your work while running as a gallery or another venue (and is staffed) at the same time and approves your art in advance. They will most likely charge commission per piece sold and will be much more involved in how the opening night and exhibition is run.

3. Opening Night

The opening night (first showing of the exhibition) is a very important night! Most artists will say they make the most sales on the opening night so you have to make it an enjoyable and impressive night for your guests.

Provide the following:

  • free drinks and snacks

  • good signage to venue

  • clear info on your invites

  • deligated people to welcome guests

  • be ready for sales + questions about your work

4. Publicity

For the exhibition itself use the following:

  • Online promotion: social media, websites (yours and the venue's sites), interviews on popular art blogs

  • Mailing lists

  • Radio station interview (local small ones often interview local artists)

  • Leaflets through doors, posters, signage to exhibition

  • Magazine articles

  • Word of mouth

For opening night:

  • Personalised paper invites

  • Mailing list invites

  • Make 'event' from your Facebook account

5. Continuation of exhibition

Make sure you have the following info:

  • Who is going to staff the exhibition?

  • Does it need staffed or will your art be in a trusted space where you can leave your work unattended?

  • If work is stolen or damaged will the venue compensate you or do you leave it at your own risk?

  • Is an opening night allowed?

  • Do you get access to keys?

  • When are you to take down the exhibition?

  • Leave a comments book for visitors to sign

  • Leave business cards for visitors

  • Will venue accept payment for sales in your absence?

6. Budget and sales

Have the correct following information:

  • Will venue accept payment on your behalf?

  • Does venue take commission on sales?

Have a clear price list beside your art with instructions on how to contact you to make a purchase.

Have a budget that can cover the cost of the venue. The following will also add to the cost of exhibiting:

  • Drinks for opening night

  • Advertising

  • Printed items such as leaflets, posters, price list etc

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