Learn how to network like a pro. Build connections that will lead to exhibition opportunities, further ideas and sales.
First, why network?
If you're thinking, 'Hey, I'm happy here in my studio and just want to get on with work, so enough with the networking advice' that is understandable! There is not much point in networking if you've no art to exhibit or sell! However, you don't want to end up with loads of amazing artwork but have nowhere to display it.
Reasons for networking include:
Meet venue owners for possible future exhibitions
Meet potential customers
Learn of local opportunities
Swap business cards for mailing list
Get your name 'on the map'
Pick up the enthusiasm from other small businesses
Build business relationships with other artists
Tips for all forms of networking
Look to connect, not to sell (people will see through you if you're too salesy)
Be approachable and upbeat
Believe in your art and be keen to share it (and your inspiration)
Focus on forming genuine connections with people and organisations rather than just using them: ask questions and listen respectfully
Have a prepared statement about your work so you can confidently reply when asked what you do (quick and to the point)
Networking In Person
Research who is hosting the event (by understand their reasons for hosting you will be more prepared)
Have a quick intro-statement about yourself and your work
Have lots of business cards
Opportunities to Network:
Mingle at exhibition opening nights
Art studio complex meetings
Attend free networking events for new businesses (not just for artists)
Exhibit your work in diverse venues: you will meet a variety of people!
Teach classes or attend other artists' classes
Networking Online
Make sure you profile is up to date and enticing for new readers
Post/tweet/pin/blog regularly
Comment on others' posts and reply if people comment on your links
Keep the focus on your art
Opportunities are endless online with social media and blogs so just go for it and let the world know what you're about!
Connect with artists on:
Your own blog/website
Online free live art classes (other artists create online meetings to share their knowledge, build up connections and make sales in the process)
By following these steps you will surely have 'put yourself on the map'!
For more business tips for artists subscribe to www.mixedmediasketchbook.com